Engine Alignment
Done right so you dont have to worry.
Reduce noise and stress
We do narrow boat engine alignment correctly to minimise wear and reduce unwanted vibrations thoughout the vessel. Ensuring quieter, carefree cruising.
Poorly installed engines and engine mounts.
The engine mount transmits all of the force from the propeller to the hull, moving your boat through the water. Ensuring the mount is correctly installed ensures the maximum life span from the engine mount, the most reduction in vibration and reduces wear and damage to gearbox bearings, cutlass bearings and the shaft itself.
This engine mount has been incorrectly installed, as its too high on the stud. Make an appointment today to check and correct your engine alignment.
Laser alignment equipment
Using laser alignment equipment and dial indicators, we are able to quickly assess the degree of missalignment and carry out corrective action where required. We use dial indicators to measure cutlass bearing play and to ensure that each mount is taking equal weight, further reducing harmful vibrations that can cause expensive damage. Most narrowboat installations require the angular and parrallel alignment to be within 0.2mm.
The importance of correct alignment
Gearbox, engine and propeller shaft alignment are one of the most important parts of propulsion system installation. Yet, they are also among the most frequently misunderstood and neglected parts of narrow boat maintenance, and as a result they are frequently the source of failure and unnecessary expense. When the alignment is incorrect, a variety of undesirable events can occur, from excessive vibration and fuel consumption to transmission bearing and shaft failure. To be clear, it doesn't matter whether the vessel is a well-used, live aboard cruiser or newly built narrow boat straight from the boat builders yard, either can suffer from alignment problems. Alignment issues can cause a multitude of different issues, vibration being one of the most damaging. This can cause broken alternator brackets, rattling windows, delamination of fibreglass hulls and damage to heat exchangers, the list goes on. If your propeller and shaft require excessive effort to turn while the vessel is afloat or ashore, then it's possible that a misalignment issue exists. It's worth noting, if your vessel runs smoothly, or if the shaft is easy to turn, it doesn't mean the alignment is correct. Alignment issues are not instantly obvious and can sometimes take a long time until the unfortunate effects become apparent. Therefore we reccomend that engine alignment checks should be part of your anual servicing to ensure trouble free boating.
Soft foot and even weight on each mount
Even if the engines’ vertical and horizontal alignment is correct, there can still be issues with the alignment. If the engine mounts are not of equal height, then it is possible for the engine to have a soft foot condition. This type of alignment issue can cause rapid deterioration of engine mounts, causing further alignment and vibration issues. When we check engine alignment we also check that the engine mounts are sharing the weight of the engine equally. Ensuring you get the most life out of your engine mounts, gearbox bearings, shaft bearings, cutlass bearings, and stern seals.